Access CSE (iCHARTS) Information

Access to Child Support Enforcement Information through the Interfaces Menu.  Please be advised that the I-Charts application is only a small picture of what is reflected in CHARTS, the online program for all Child Support Enforcement tracking.

  1. Click on the CSE button on the Interfaces Main Menu.
  2. This will take you to the iCHARTS web application.
  3. Click on the continue button.
  4. This will take you into the iCHARTS system where you can search by name or social security number.
  5. Enter in the SSN of the party you wish to retreive information on then click search.
  6. Under the Search Option, select Unearned Income to view all income associated with all of the court cases. This is the most accurate reflection of the payment history of what is in the actual CHARTS program.



