Add a Person to an Intake

  1. On the Detail Intake window, view the Persons/Allegations group box to ensure that the person you wish to add is not already part of the Intake.
  2. Select the Select Person arrow icon Search.

    Result: The Add Person window displays.

    Note:  If a Person of Interest had been previously documented, the Add Involved Person(s) to Intake window will display. From this window you can either add a Person of Interest to the Intake or add a New person to the Intake.

  3. Enter all available data such as the Person’s full name (including extensions), Sex, SSN, Birth Date, Ethnicity, and Race.
  4. Select the Person Clearance push button.

    Result: The Person Clearance List window displays, if there are potential matches.  If there are no potential matches, the Detail Intake displays.  Skip to Step 8.

  5. On the Person Clearance List window, compare your person’s data with that of the person who appears to match.

    Note: If you need additional information to determine whether your entry might be the same person as the Possible Matching Person already on the system, highlight the person with whom you got a match, select the Person Detail icon and view the Person Detail window. Here you can access personal and program data, phone numbers and addresses for the Person known to the System to help you determine if your person is the same as the one already on the System.

  6. If you determine that there is not a match, highlight the name of the new person and select the Add New Person push button.  If there is a match, highlight the name of the matching person and select the Use Existing N-FOCUS Person push button.

    Result:  A confirmation window display.

  7. Select the Yes push button.

    Result:  The Detail Intake window returns.

  8. On the Detail Intake window the system must determine whether the person selected to add to the Intake is a child or an adult (Class).  To do this, it checks for an associated date of birth.  If one exists, it calculates the person’s age, makes the determination on its own, and the person’s name displays in the Persons/Allegations group box along with their age and respective Class of child or adult.  If not, the Indicate Child or Adult dialog box displays and the user must make the
  9. On the Indicate Child or Adult dialog box, select the appropriate radio button and the OK push button.

    Result:  The person’s name displays in the Persons/Allegations group box along with their respective Class of Child or Adult.

  10. Repeat steps 1 - 9, for each person you wish to add to the Intake.
  11. Select the Save icon.

    Result:  The person(s) are added to the Intake.  The Add Allegation push button becomes enabled if the Intake Type is Child Abuse/Neglect.
