Create a Safety Assessment

Prior to documenting the Safety Assessment, it is important that Family Relationships have been documented in N-FOCUS.

  1. Navigate to the Detail Program Case window.
  2. Select the Safety Assessment icon .  The List Safety Assessment window displays.  This window will be blank on the first entry.
  3. Click on the New icon .  The Detail Safety Assessment window displays.

    1.  If there are previous Safety Assessments, click on the Update icon.  If only minor changes to a previous Safety Assessment are needed, then select the Update icon.  The result will be that a copy of the most recent Safety Assessment will appear on the Detail Safety Assessment window and you will be allowed to make the appropriate changes.   The Update icon will only enable if the most recent Safety Assessment is in Final Status.
    2. If major changes are needed or a completely different Safety Assessment is needed, then select the New icon.  
  4. Enter Type from drop down list.  If the type Initial Assessment or New CAN/Safety Threats is selected, an Intake must be tied to the Safety Assessment.  
  5. Enter the appropriate Begin Date if different than the default.
  6. Enter the appropriate Begin Time if different than the default.

    Note: The Safety Assessment Begin Date and Time should be the date that the worker begins the assessment process.

  7. Select the Save icon .  Information fields are populated and various buttons are enabled.
  8. Select the Assignment icon .  The Detail Safety Assessment Assignments window displays.  
  9. Assign the worker who conducted the Safety Assessment and return to the Detail Safety  Assessment window.
  10. Select the Add/Update pushbutton.

    Note:  If you did not Tie an Intake previously, you receive a message telling you to do so                 now .  When you Tie the Intake, the Intake participant names will populate the Persons Involved in Assessment field.

    Result:  The Detail Safety Assessment Involvement window displays with the Intake participant names listed in the Safety Assessment Involvements group box.

  11. Select the Add pushbutton.

    Result:  The Safety Assessment Involvement window displays with Master Case Persons listed in the Safety Assessment Involvements group box.

    Note:  If persons on this list match a person already added to the Safety Assessment, you may have a duplicate person and that issue needs to be resolved. Contact N-FOCUS Production Support for assistance.

    Note:  If all persons in the Master Case have already been added to the Safety Assessment, you will receive an note telling you so.

  12. Select  (highlight) the name(s) to be added to the Safety Assessment and check the appropriate indicator(s) for each person to be involved in the assessment.

    Note:  If a person selected is a parent to another person in the Assessment do not select the Relative indicator for that parent. For other relatives or people who are not relatives, type in their Relationship to the family.

  13. Select the OK pushbutton.

    Result:  The Detail Safety Assessment Person Involvement window displays.

    Note:  For error correction, you can highlight a name and select the Remove  pushbutton.  If information needs to be updated, highlight the person and select the Update pushbutton.

    Note:  To add people who are not in the master Case, the Black, Out Select Arrow can be used.

    Note:  When a name is highlighted the Other Involvements group box will indicate if that  Person is involved in the CFS Program Case and/or the Intake(s) tied to this assessment.

  14. Select the Save & Close icon .   The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays with the Persons Involved in Assessment listed.
  15. Select the Contact Detail button.  The Contact Detail window displays.  Contact Detail only needs to be completed when the Safety Assessment Type is either Initial Assessment or New CAN/Safety Threats.
  16. Select a name from the Person drop down list.  If appropriate, click on the “Not Contacted” check box and select the appropriate Reason from the drop down list.
  17. Select the Contacted By from the drop down list.
  18. Enter the Date of the contact.  The date cannot be prior to the begin date of the Safety Assessment.
  19. Enter the Time of the contact.
  20. Enter the information regarding Location of the contact.
  21. Enter the information regarding Others Present.
  22. Enter any other Comments regarding the contact.
  23. Select the Add button.  The Contact Information fields are cleared and the information displays in the Contact Detail box at the bottom of the window.  You may now add other Contact information for the same person.  For error correction, highlight the appropriate line in the Contact Detail box, make the changes in the narrative boxes and select the Update button.  You may also Delete the narrative.
  24. Select the Save & Next icon to record Contact Information for the next person in the Person list.  All persons in the list should have Contact information documented.  The Safety Performance Accountability Time to First Contact Measures use the Contact Detail date and time of the earliest contact with a victim.  For Priority 1 intakes, the time frame has changed from 1 day to 24 hours.

    NOTE:  Up to 25 contacts can be entered for one person.  

  25. Select the Save & Close icon .  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays.
  26. Select the Domains button.  The Safety Narrative window displays with the Domain types listed.
  27. Highlight the first Domain Type.
  28. Enter the Current Domain text.
  29. Select the Save & Next icon .  The next Domain Type highlights.
  30. Enter the Current Domain text.
  31. Repeat steps 29 & 30 for the remaining Domain Types.   All of the Domain Types must be documented in order to set the Safety Assessment to Final status.
  32. Select the Save & Close icon .  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays.
  33. Select the Narrative button.  The Safety Narrative window displays with the Narrative Types listed.
  34. Select the first Narrative Type.  The first Narrative Type, Prior DHHS Involvement Synopsis, is only required for an initial Safety Assessment.
  35. Enter the Current Narrative text.  Prior to Saving, a Narrative can be deleted by selecting the Clear icon .
  36. Select the Save & Next icon .  The next Narrative Type highlights.
  37. Enter the Current Narrative.
  38. Repeat steps 36 & 37 for the remaining Narrative Types.  Conclusion Narrative is required for all Safety Assessments.  Efforts to Locate Family should only be used if family is unable to be located.
  39. Select the Save & Close icon .  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays.
  40. Select the Safety Factors button.  The Safety Factors window displays with the child(ren) listed.
  41. Select (highlight) the child(ren). You may use the Select All button.
  42. Select (highlight) the appropriate Description(s). You may use the Select All button.  The Answers (Yes/No) buttons enable.  Double clicking on a description will bring up a dialog box making it easier to read the entire description.
  43. Highlight the appropriate Answer for the description(s) highlighted.  The choices selected will display in the Safety Factors list box.  Mark all of the descriptions as either Yes or No. When all of the descriptions have been answered, the Child Name and description boxes will be cleared.  If any of the Safety Factors are answered Yes, a Safety Plan will be required prior to changing the status of the Safety Assessment.
  44. Select the Save icon .
  45. Select the Threshold Criteria button.  The Safety Factor Narrative window displays.  :  Threshold Criteria narratives are optional for Safety Factors answered ‘No’.  They are required for Safety Factors answered ‘Yes’.  The Safety Factors that are answered ‘Yes’ have a ‘Y’ next to the number in the drop down list on the Threshold Criteria window.
  46. Select the Safety Factor number from the drop down list.  The description will display.
  47. Enter the text in the narrative fields.
  48. Select the Save icon .
  49. Repeat the process for each of the Safety Factors.  Save after each Safety Factor is completed.  All Safety Factors marked Yes (Y), must have narratives documented.
  50. Select the Save & Close icon after all of the Safety Factor narratives have been completed.  The Safety Factors window displays.  For error correction you may highlight answers in the Safety Factors group box and select a different answer.
  51. Select the Save & Close icon .  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays.
  52. Select OK.  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays.
  53. Select the Actions menu drop down list.
  54. Select Update Status.  The Confirm Save dialogue box displays, asking if child is unsafe.  If required information has not been documented, the Status Change Edit Errors dialogue box displays.  
  55. Select appropriate answer.  If the selected answer does not match what is entered in the Safety Factor window, a message appears stating that the Safety Factor answers should be reviewed.  If the selected answer does match what is entered in the Safety Factor window, the Safety Conclusion dialogue box appears.
  56. Enter a Conclusion Reason from the drop down list.  The OK button enables.

    Note: If a conclusion of "Transferred to Ongoing Services" is entered , a Multi Select Person window displays.  A legal status must be entered for all ARPs in the Safety Assessment under the age of 18.  A legal status for more than one child may be entered at one time as long as the legal status, begin date and county are the same for all persons selected.

  57. Select the OK button.  The Confirm Save dialogue box displays, asking if you want to continue.
  58. Select Yes.  The Detail Safety  Assessment window displays with the Status changed to ‘Ready for Review’ and the Conclusion field is populated.
