Search Central Registry

IMPORTANT: These steps illustrate how to conduct a Central Register Search only on N-FOCUS. Since entries on the job ‘075’ system were not converted to N-FOCUS, you must also check job ‘075’ for possible Central Register entries as well.

  1. On the Main Menu, select the Person Search Person Search icon.
  2. On the Person Search window, enter person’s last name and first initial. Select the Search button.
  3. On the Person List window, select (highlight) the person and then select Open icon. Result: The Person Detail window displays.
  4. From the Person Detail window, select the Central Register icon.

    Result: The List Allegation window displays with the Allegations associated with the particular person who meets Central Register criteria. (The person must be the Alleged Perpetrator of an Allegation with a Finding of Inconclusive, Petition to be Filed, or Court Substantiated where no Expungement Information exists.) If any Allegations exist, this person is on Central Register.

    Note: If there are no corresponding Allegations, you receive an informational message of “No Allegations Found”. Select the OK button. This person is not on Central Register. After doing a Central Register search, you may want to document the results of the search in the Intake Narrative, if doing the search in relation to an Intake.

  5. On the List Allegation window, should you desire more information about each Allegation you may select (highlight) the desired Allegation and then select the Open icon.

    Result: The Detail Allegation window of the desired Allegation displays.
