Dual monitors will allow the user to work in two applications (or programs) without needing to toggle between each application. Applications can easily be moved from one monitor to another, or multiple pages of a document can be viewed at the same time by moving pages from monitor to monitor.
One monitor serves as the primary display and holds the logon dialog box when starting the computer. In addition, most programs will initially display on the primary monitor when opened.
It is suggested to use one monitor for N-FOCUS, and the second for the web-based applications, ACCESSNebraska, BDE, SDX, Vital Stats, etc. It will be easier to view information from the online application, and enter it into the Master Case in N-FOCUS if each is open on a monitor at the same time.
DO NOT PRINT the web-based application. Use the dual monitors to assist you in your work.
Your primary monitor can be identified by right clicking on your desktop, selecting Properties from the list, then selecting the Setting tab. When the Setting tab is displayed, the primary monitor will be Number 1, and the Number 2 will be your secondary monitor. Make sure the box, “Use this device as the primary monitor”, is checked for the monitor you want to use as the primary monitor. When opening the application, it will display on the primary monitor
If monitor number two is blank (black), open Display Properties, click the Settings tab. Click the secondary monitor icon, and then click Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor.
Click on the top bar of the application to drag it to the other monitor.
If an application displays across both screens:
Close the program case on the monitor you want it to be on. Reopen the program case on the same monitor, and it should open on that monitor every time after this.
If the Print Screen key is clicked, it will print what is displayed on both monitors, unless the user makes a selection to print only what displays on one monitor. There are several methods to select from, so that printing will display the information shown only on one monitor:
In the application, for example: a Word document, click on File, then select Print from the drop down selections. This will print the document. Be sure the cursor is in the application you want to print.
Each monitor will have its own resolution.
Suggested screen resolution is 1024 x 768.
This size of screen resolution will reduce the size of the item on your screen which increases the number of windows that can be viewed on the desktop. A worker can easily select a window to view from several windows displayed on the screen.