3-001.04D Refusal to Accept a Bona Fide Job Offer or Voluntary Quit

475 NAC 3-001.04D

If an individual refuses to accept a bona fide job offer or voluntarily quits employment within 60 days before a food stamp application is filed, anytime after the application is filed or after the household is certified, the worker must make a determination of whether or not the refusal to accept suitable employment or termination of employment met the criteria of the requirement and was without good cause. The household cannot claim good cause for refusing a bona fide job offer due to not meeting the drug test requirement. The following conditions do not constitute a refusal to accept a bona fide offer or a voluntary quit:

1. Employment of less than 30 hours per week or 30 hours times the federal minimum wage;

2. Changes in employment status which do not result in reducing hours of employment to less than 30 hours per week for the same employer;

3. Terminating a self-employment enterprise; or

4. Resigning from a job at the employer’s demand.

Voluntary quit provisions do not apply when the employer for any reason, including actions of the employee, terminates the employment.
