CMS Overview

The CMS file displays monthly Medicare interface information received from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for participants with both Medicare and Medicaid coverage who have been reported by the State to CMS and matched by CMS to their Medicare enrollment database.

Schedule: The interface between the State and CMS only runs once per month. The State file is sent to CMS on the 16th of each month and a response file returned from CMS to the State approximately a week later.

The CMS icon will be enabled when there is Medicare information available. Please note that for new Medicaid clients with Medicare, or for Medicaid clients who are newly enrolled in Medicare, there will be a delay in the CMS information being available.

The information displayed includes the demographic information, e.g. the beneficiaries name and address as it appears on the CMS system, Part A and/or B enrollment information, Part A and/or B buy-in information, and Part D enrollment information.

See also:

Interfaces Menu

How Do I:

Understand CMS Interface
