Death - Current Record Details


The Death - Current Record : Details Tab opens when the certificate number is double clicked on the Search By Name or Search By SSN window.  The information is received from the Department of Vital Statistics as shown on the death record.

See Also:

Record Details


Certificate Number:  This box displays the number on the birth certificate.

Interface Received Date:  This box displays the date the certificate information was received by the N-FOCUS system.

Deceased Box:

Name:  This box displays the first and last name of the deceased person.

SSN:  This field displays the person's social security number.

Sex:  This field displays the person's gender.

Marital Status:  This field displays the person's marital status when they died.

Spouse's Name:  This field displays the first and last name of the person's spouse.

Date of Death:  This field displays the date the person died.

Place of Death:  This field displays the city, state, and county where the person died.

Manner of Death:  This field displays the way in which the person died.

Work Related Injury:  This field displays a Y if the death was related to the person's work activity and an N if it was not related to work.

Autopsy Performed:  This field displays a Y if an autopsy was conducted and a N if one was not.

Method of Disposition:  This field displays the treatment of the person's final remains.

Cause of Death Box:

This box displays any specific information about the manner of death.

Informant Box:

This box displays the person who informed the mortuary of the death.

Funeral Home Box:

Name:  This field displays the name of the funeral home.

Address:  This field displays the address of the funeral home.


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 Select the Close box in the upper right hand corner of the window to close the VS web site and return to N-FOCUS.
