Medicare Transactions

These codes are used when sending a record to CMS.

Delete Transactions (Monthly):

This transaction code is used when sending a delete record because the person is known to N-FOCUS but not eligible for buy-in or is unknown to N-FOCUS.


This transaction code is used when sending a delete record because a force buy-in client is being deleted.


This transaction code is used when sending a delete record or when a force buy-in because the client is deceased.



Accrete Transaction (Daily):

This transaction code is used when sending an accrete record when there is ongoing buy-in eligibility (not a 'force buy-in)

61 or 84

This transaction code is used when sending an accrete record as a result of a 'force buy-in'


This transaction code is received when a person is entitled to SSI benefits and may be eligible for Buy-In



Accrete/Delete Transaction (Daily):

This transaction code is used when sending an accrete/delete record when there is a closed period of buy-in eligibility.  It must include a Stop Date.



Change Transaction (Monthly):

This transaction code is used when sending a record to report a change in the Buy-In Eligibility Code.


