Request List


The Request List is used to view a list of the verification requests on the N-FOCUS system.  It can be sorted by status, request type, or requester.

It is opened when the Interface icon is selected on the Main Menu and the Vital Statistics icon is selected on the Interface Menu.

See Also:

Verification and Certificate Requests

Request Details


Sort Options Box:

Status:  To sort the list by the status of the request select one of the sort options in the drop down list.

Request Type:  To sort the list by the type of request select one of the sort options in the drop down list.

Requester:  To sort the list by the requester enter the Staff Person's logon ID.

Results List Box:

No Results Found

Name:  This column displays the first and last name of the person.  Double click on the person name to view the Request Details tab.

Request Type:  This column displays the type of verification requested or found.

Cert Type:  This column displays the type of certificate request or found

Request Date:  This column displays the date the verification or certificate was requested.

Status:  This column displays the status of the request.


 Select the Search button when the search criteria has been selected.

See Also:

Paging icons
