SSA Person Incarceration Details


This window is accessed by clicking the Incarceration button on the SSA List window. The Incarceration button is only enabled if information is available. This window provides information regarding the person's incarceration.


Name:  The name of the person for whom the information pertains.

SSN: The SSN of the person for whom the information pertains.

Prisoner Confinement Date: The confinement date, if available.

Prisoner Release Date: The date the prisoner was released, if available.

Status Description: A description of the prisoner status.

Prisoner Identification: If available, the prisoner identification number will display. If this information is not available, it will state NOT AVBLE

Facility Name: The name of the facility where the person is incarcerated.

Facility Type: The type of facility where the person is incarcerated.

Address: The address of the facility where the person is incarcerated.

City: The city of the facility where the person is incarcerated.

State: The state where the facility is located.

Zip Code: The zip code for the facility.

Contact Person: The facility contact person.

Contact Telephone No: The telephone number of the facility contact person.

Contact Fax No: The fax number for the facility contact person.


NFO3XF3H (31)