Organization Resolution List


The Organization Resolution List window displays when a new organization is added to N-FOCUS and it matches one or more organizations already used in N-FOCUS.  It also opens when an organization changes it's tax ID number.  The window lists organizations with duplicate Tax IDs and provides Create New, Update Tax ID, and Use Existing Organization options.

The user must review the organizations and decide whether to:

Duplicate Tax ID

If it is determined that there is a valid reason to create or update an organization with a duplicate Tax ID, contact N-FOCUS Production Support with the request.  When duplicate Tax IDs exist, only N-FOCUS Production Support is allowed to create a new organization or update an existing organization that will use a duplicate Tax ID.  

A duplicate Tax ID could be used in the following examples:

Organizations created or updated prior to the November 2007 release will go through organization resolution only if the Tax ID field is updated.

See Also:

Organization Resolution List icons

Organization Resolution Overview


Organization Group Box:

This box displays the information just added or updated on the Organization Resolution window.

Tax ID:  This field displays the tax ID number.

ID Type:  This field displays the EIN or SSN type.

Name:  This field displays the organization name

 The Update Tax ID button is not enabled.  If a Tax ID needs to be updated, contact N-FOCUS Production Support.

Message Box:

  • Highlight an organization below to enable the Open button and flow to Detail Organization.
  • If the organization above matches an existing organization, highlight organization and choose 'Use Existing Organization'.
  • If the organization above matches an existing organization on the list below, and there is a valid reason to create the new organization or update the existing organization, contact N-FOCUS Production Support for assistance.

Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS List Box:

Highlight an organization in this list and the Doing Business As Name and Physical Address fields display the information for the highlighted organization.

To research the organization to see if it is the same or different than the organization you are adding, highlight the line and select the open icon .

Tax ID:  This column displays the organization's EIN or SSN number.

Type:  This column displays the type of tax ID, either EIN or SSN.

Perm/Dup:  This column displays Perm if the organization has been designated as permanent and Dup if the organization is designated a duplicate.  Do not use the Add New Organization or Use Existing organization for a duplicate organization.  

Organization Name:  This column displays the name of the organization.

Organization ID:  This column displays the N-FOCUS assigned ID for the organization.

Doing Business As Name Box:

This box displays the name an organization may be known as in the community and is displayed when the organization is highlighted in the Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS box.

Physical Address Box:

This box displays the physical address of the organization and is displayed when the organization is highlighted in the Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS box.


If you are not sure what button to select or the button is not enabled, call N-FOCUS Production Support.

 Select the Add New Organization button if the organization you are adding an organization that does not match any of the organizations listed in the Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS box.  N-FOCUS Production Support Staff will see the Confirm Add New Organization window.
 Select the Use Existing Organization button if the organization you are adding is the same as a selected organization in the Organizations Existing in N-FOCUS box.  The Confirm Organization Selection message window opens.
