List Bank Transaction Register


The List Bank Transaction Register window displays a list of all transactions tied to the Commercial Bank Account.

List Bank Transaction Register icons


Bank Account Group Box:

ID Number: This field displays the N-FOCUS assigned identification for the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Name: This field displays the name used for the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Comments: This field displays any comments added to the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Bank Transaction Register List Box:

This box displays each transaction on the Commercial Bank Account. Scroll to the right to view all columns of information.

Date: This column displays the date of the transaction. The most current date will be listed at the top.

Type: This column displays the type of transaction.

Number: This column displays the number of the check or number on the receipt batch.

Amount: This column displays the amount of the transaction.

Check Status: This column displays the status of the check or receipt batch.

Payee: This column displays the name entered in the payee section of the check.

Cancel Date: This column displays the date a check was cancelled.

Cancel Reason: This column displays the reason a check was cancelled.

Comments: This column displays any comments tied to this transaction.


More Minus The More Minus button is enabled when the More Plus button has been used to view additional pages of information. Select the button to return to the previously viewed pages.
More Plus The More Plus button is enabled when there are more pages of information than the list box can display. Select this button to view the additional pages.
