Sort Claim List by


The Sort Claim List by window is used to sort the list of claims by any of the criteria listed.  If the icon is used to open the window the list will be sorted in ascending alphabetical or numerical order.  If the icon is used to open the window the list will be sorted in descending alphabetical or numerical order.


Sort Field:

Batch Number:  Select this radio button to sort the list by the number on the batch claim processing.

Claim Number:  Select this radio button to sort the list by the number of the individual claim.

Provider Name:  Select this radio button to sort the list by the provider's name.

DHHS Office:  Select this radio button to sort the list by the DHHS office that approves the claim.


 Select the OK button to apply the selected sort criteria to the claims list and return to the sorted Claim List window.
 Select the Cancel button to close the Sort Claim List by window without selecting a sort criteria and return to the Claim List window.
