Create an Approved Informal Living Arrangement

Informal, non-court placements will be documented in the Approved Informal Living Arrangement window.  The Approved Informal Living Arrangement icon is available from the Detail Program Case window (CFS only), the Detail Safety Assessment and Detail Safety Plan.

The following conditions must be met in order to create an Approved Informal Living Arrangement for a child(ren):

A CFS program case including the child must be created with the child in a Legal Status of "child in Non-Court case".

  1. Create the Detail Safety Assessment.
  2. Create the Detail Safety Plan.
  3. On the Detail Safety Plan window, select  the Approved Informal Living Arrangement icon.  The Detail Approved Informal Living Arrangement window displays.
  4. Enter the date the Informal Living Arrangement begins.
  5. Select the Caregiver by clicking the Out Arrow to search for the Org Related Person that will be providing care for the child(ren).
  6. Click the Return Arrow to bring the Org Related Person information back to the Detail Approved Informal Living Arrangement window.
  7. Select the relationship of Caregiver to the child from the drop down listing.
  8. Select the Save or Save&Close icon to return to the Detail Program Case window.
