IUC List


The IUC List window displays information from the Department of Labor about Unemployment Compensation paid to the Case Person.

See also:

IUC Overview


Case Person Group Box:

This group box displays information entered on the N-FOCUS system.

Name: This field displays the name of the case person.

SSN: This field displays the Social Security Number of the case person.

Sex: This field displays the gender of the case person.

Birth Date: This field displays the case person's date of birth.

File Name Group Box:

This group box displays information from the IUC system.

File Name: This displays the name as it appears on the IUC file.

SSN: This displays the Social Security Number as it appears on the IUC file.

Entitlement List Box:

This box displays up to 7 years of entitlement periods. Highlight the period then select the action button to view details.

Entitlement Begin: This field displays the begin date of the entitlement period.

Filed: This field displays the date that the person filed for benefits.

N-FOCUS Processed: This field displays the date that the N-FOCUS processed the benefits.

Reopened: This field displays the date that the file was reopened.


benefit Select the Benefit button to go to the IUC Benefits window for more detail information on this person's unemployment benefits.
disqualifaication adjustment Select the Disqualification/Adjustment button to go to the IUC Disqual/Adj window for more detailed information about adjustments being made to the person's check or benefits, or any disqualification periods imposed.
Demographics Select the Demographics button to go to the IUC Demographics Detail window for information on the person's address, phone number, marital status, veterans status, citizenship, etc.

