Medicare Buy-In Input Detail


The Medicare Buy-In Input Detail window displays the details of the N-FOCUS request for information from CMS.  The window is opened when an input line is highlighted on the Medicare Buy-In List window and the open icon is selected.

This window if for inquiry only.

How Do I:

View Medicare Buy-In Input Detail


Case Person Group Box:

Information is this box is from the N-FOCUS person data.

Name:  This field displays the name of the Program Case Person .

Person Number:  This field displays the N-FOCUS Agency Related Person number assigned to this person.

SSN:  This field displays the Social Security Number for this person.

Sex:  This field displays the person's gender code.

Birth Date:  This field displays the person's birth date

Medicare Buy-In Input Group Box:

This group box displays the data sent to CMS from N-FOCUS.

Transaction Box:

This box displays the kind of transaction requested and the code number for the transaction.

Effective Date:  This field displays the date the transaction type is effective.

End Date:  This field displays the date the transaction type ends.

Processing Date:  This field displays the date the transaction is submitted.

Medicare Claims Number:  This field displays the person's Medicare Claim Number.

Eligibility Category:  This field displays the eligibility reason code showing why the person is eligible for Part B Medicare.

State Input Data Box:

This box displays the person information sent to CMS.

Last Name:  This field displays the person's last name.

First Name:  This field displays the person;s first name.

MI:  This field displays the person's middle initial if they have one.

SSN:  This field displays the person's social security number.

Sex:  This field displays the person's gender code.

Birth Date:  This field displays the person's birth date.

