SDX Eligibility


The SDX Eligibility window opens when the SDX Eligibility tab is selected on the SDX web page.  It displays information about the person's SSI application, disability date, and appeal status.

See Also:

SDX Overview


Identifying information:

SSN:  This box displays the N-FOCUS Social Security Number for the person.

Birth Date:  This box displays the person's N-FOCUS date of birth.

Name:  This box displays the person's N-FOCUS name.

Gender:  This box displays the person's N-FOCUS gender code.

Application Date:  This box displays the date the person applied for SSI benefits.

Current Eligibility Date:  This box displays the date of the most recent eligibility determination.

SSI Denial:

Start Date:  This box displays the date the SSA office denied the person's application.

Reason: This box displays the reason an application for SSI benefits was denied by SSA. This reason coincides with the Payment code on the SDX Payment window.

Disability :

Onset Date: This box displays the date the person declares their disability began when the SSI application is pending.  After a disability/blindness approval, the date either displays the onset date established for RSDI purposes (if the person has applied for both RSDI and SSI) or the date of onset for SSI which will be no earlier than the date of application.

Determination Status: This box displays the status of the disability determination.


Filed:  This box indicates whether or not the person has filed an appeal.

Date:  This box displays the date the person filed an appeal.

Level:  This box displays the level of the appeal within the appeal process.

Reason:  This box displays the general reason for the appeal.

Decision:  This box displays the most recent decision in the appeal process.

Decision Date: This box displays the date of the most recent appeal decision.


Reason: This field displays the reason the Social Security Administration has for a review of the SSI case.

Date: This field displays the date the review is scheduled.
