Detail Organization - Address History


The Detail Organization - Address History window displays all addresses for the selected organization. Scroll to the right of the window to view all the address information.


Address History List Box:

Type: This column displays the type of address, either MA for mailing or PA for physical address.

Begin Date: This column displays the begin date for this address.

End Date: This column displays the end date for this address.

Line 1: This column displays the first line of the address.

Line 2: This column displays the second line of the address.

Line 3: This column displays the third line of the address.

City: This column displays the name of the city for the address.

State: This column displays the name of the state for the address.

Zip 5: This column displays the first five numbers of the zip code for the address.

Zip 4:  This column displays the last four numbers of the zip code for the address.

Update Timestamp: This column displays the last date and time that the address was updated.

Update Userid: This column displays the logon ID of the last user who updated the address.


Select the OK button to return to the Detail Organization window.
