Detail Organization


The Detail Organization window displays the detailed information about an Organization.

See Also:

Detail Organization icons

Detail Organization Actions drop down menu

Detail Organization Goto drop down menu.

Detail Organization View drop down menu

Organization Overview

How Do I:


Search for an Organization

Add an Organization

Organization Changes

Home Details

License Approval

Provider Matching

Service Approvals

Organization Naming Standards


Mode:  The current window mode displays under the close icon.

Organization Name: The name of the Organization

ID#: The system generated number assigned to the Organization.

Organization Group Box

Facility Type:  The type of facility.

Slots: The number of placement slots available.

Status: The current status of the organization.

Begin Date: The begin date of the home details for the organization.

Reason: The reason for the organization status.

IV-E Indicator: Indicates if the organization is IV-E eligible.

IV-E Date: The date the of the IV-E status.

QRTP Indicator: Indicates if the organization is QRTP eligible.

QRTP Date: The date of the QRTP status.


How Do I:

Naming Organizations.

Business As Name: Enter the "common" name the Organization is using for its business. Use this field only when the official name for the Organization is not the name by which it is typically known.

ID#: This field displays the Organization's unique system ID number. It is automatically assigned to the Organization when it is added and saved. This number is used to uniquely identify each Organization stored on the system.

Status: This field displays the current status of the Organization and the effective date of the status.

Dup/Perm Date:  This field displays the duplicate or permanent status for the organization if there is one, and the date the status is effective.

How Do I:

Withholding FICA.

Note: When a provider approval is created, the system will automatically set this field based on the Service Type and the user's answer to a pop-up question.

Tax information Box: (This information is display only.)

ID: This field stores either the Federal Identification Number or the Social Security Number for the Organization. Enter the number exactly as the IRS has it entered.

ID Type Box:

The radio buttons in this list identify which type of number has been entered.  Not all Organizations have an EIN/SSN.

Begin Date: This field displays the begin date of the tax ID type.

Organization Detail Group Box:

These options can also be opened from the Detail Organization Details drop down menu.

Addresses  Select the Addresses button to view or add address information for the Organization on the Detail Address window.
Address History Select the Address History button to view address history information for the Organization on the Detail Organization - Address History window.
 Select the Tax Details button to open the Detail Tax Information window.
Home Details Select the Home Details button to view facility type and license/approval information for a foster home or group home on the Home Details
Telephones  Select the Telephones button to view or add the telephone numbers for the organization on the Telephone window.
List Service Auth Select the List Service Auth button to open the Service Authorization Search window to find the service authorizations for the organization.
 This button is only available for select Central Office Staff.

How Do I:

Home Details


Related Persons List Box

Last: This column displays the last name of a person identified as being related to the Organization.

First: This column displays the first name of a person identified as being related to the Organization.

Type: This column indicates whether the person "is the Organization", a "staff person", or "family member" in the Organization.

Family Role: This column displays the persons role in the family if the person was indicated to be a Family Member.

Sex: This column displays the person's gender.

Birth Date: This column displays the person's date of birth.

End Date: This column displays the date the person is no longer a related person in the organization.

search  Select the search arrow to add a person as a related person for this Organization. This window will open the Add Personwindow where a new person can be added or selected. Once the new person has been added/selected, double-click a highlighted person in the Related Persons list to open the Organization Related Persons window to designate the appropriate type.
Case Person  The Case person icon enables when a person is highlighted in the list. Select the Case Person icon to open the Person Detail window.
Background Check  The Background Check icon is enabled if there is a person or persons listed in the Related Persons list box. Select the icon to open the Detail Background Check window.

