Search Organization Alert


The Search Organization Alert window is used to search for Organization Alerts.  The window opens from the Alert icon on the Detail Organization window.

See Also

Organization - Overview

How Do I:



Organization Group Box:

ID Number: This field displays the system generated ID number for the Organization.

Tax Id: This field displays the Federal ID or Social Security number used by the Organization.

Name: This field displays the name of the Organization.

Status Group Box:

O All: Select this radio button to search for alerts in all statuses.

O Overdue: Select this radio button to search for alerts that are in overdue status.

O Open: Select this radio button to search for alerts that are in open status.

O Informational: Select this radio button to search for alerts that are in informational status.

O Closed: Select this radio button to search for alerts that are in closed status.

As Of Date: Enter the date the alert search should begin.

Type: Select the type of alert for the search from those in the drop down list.  This is optional.


Select the Search button to begin the search for the Organization.
Select the New button to add a new Organization if the organization is not already on the system.
Select the Clear button to clear all information off of the window.
Select the Cancel button to return to the Main Menu without saving any of the information that was entered on this window.
Select the Help button to view windows specific help information.
