List Bank Statement


The List Bank Statement is used to view a list of all bank statements from a specific Commercial Bank Account.

If only one statement has been entered for the Commercial Bank Account the Detail Bank Statement window opens instead of the List Bank Statement window.

If the Commercial Bank Account does not have any related Bank Statement(s) then an message (Bank Statements not found.) displays and the List Bank Account window remains open so that a Bank Statement can be added.

List Bank Statement icons


Bank Account Group Box:

ID Number: This field displays the N-FOCUS assigned identification for the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Name: This field displays the name used for the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Comments: This field displays any comments added to the Commercial Bank Account organization.

Institution Cross Reference: This field displays the state cross reference number for the institution where the state ward is living.

Statement List Box:

This box lists all bank statements that have been entered. The statements are listed with the most current at the top of the list.

End Date: This column displays the ending date shown on the bank statement.

Interest Earned: This column displays the interest earned for the time period covered by the bank statement. This amount is included in the interest calculation and distribution batch process for designated accounts.

Investment Interest: This column displays the investment interest income earned for the month. This amount is included in the interest calculation and distribution batch process for designated accounts.

Remaining Interest: This column displays the interest remaining after the interest calculation and distribution batch process is run for the designated accounts.

Interest Distributed: This column displays the date that the interest calculation and distribution batch process is run for designated accounts. When a date exists, the statement can no longer be updated.


More Minus The More Minus button is enabled when the More Plus button has been used to view additional pages of information. Select the button to return to the previously viewed pages.
More Plus The More Plus button is enabled when there are more pages of information than the list box can display. Select this button to view the additional pages.
