Detail Organization Actions drop down menu

Related Person: This option is enabled when a person line in the Related Person box is highlighted. Select this option to open the Organization Related Persons window.

Identify Permanent ORG:  Select the Identify Permanent ORG option for the organization that should be designated as a duplicate organization.  The Detail Organization - Identify Perm/Dup Org window opens with the current organization information displayed in the Duplicate Organizations box.

Identify Duplicate ORG: Select the Identify Duplicate ORG option for the organization that should be designated as the permanent organization. The Detail Organization - Identify Perm/Dup Org window opens with the current organization information displayed in the Permanent Organization box.

Find Permanent ORG: This option is enabled when the open organization is designated as a DUP. Select the option to open the Detail Organization window for the organization designated as the Permanent Organization.

Find Duplicate ORG: This option is enabled when the open organization is designed as a PERM. Select the option to open the Detail Organization window for the organization designated as the Duplicate Organization.  If there is more than one duplicate organization the Detail Organization - Find Duplicate Organization window listing the organizations that have been designated as DUP.

Remove As Duplicate ORG: The Remove As Duplicate ORG option is enabled when the open organization is designated as a DUP. Select the option to remove the Duplicate designation. The Confirm Remove Duplicate Organization popup message opens.

Delete Organization:  This option is selected to request Organizations entered in error or entered as a duplicate be deleted.  Delete Organization  will not be enabled if the Organization is marked as PERM, DUP or if the ORG is marked as Secure.

Update Organization Status:  This option is selected to change the status from Active to Closed.  If the ORG is closed, contact Production Support staff to request a change in status.

Secure/Unsecure:   This status is set by Production Support staff.  Organizations set as Secure must have changes made to address, phone, tax ID or Organization name by Production Support staff.  Service approval information can continue to be updated by any worker with security to do so.
